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Fragment de tissu copte - V - VII siècle
Fragment de tissu copte - V - VII siècle - Art sacré, objets religieux Style
Réf : 114750
1 000 €
Époque :
Avant JC au Xe siècle
Provenance :
Materiaux :
Dimensions :
l. 18.4 cm X H. 10 cm
Art sacré, objets religieux  - Fragment de tissu copte - V - VII siècle
Dei Bardi Art
Dei Bardi Art

Sculptures et objets d'art Haute Epoque et Renaissance

+32 (0)4 76 74 05 57
Fragment de tissu copte - V - VII siècle

This band fragment features geometric decorations in red and black.
Textiles like this are believed to have been crafted by Copts (Christian Egyptians) and other weavers throughout the Byzantine Empire. The designs and motifs found in Coptic and Byzantine textiles significantly influenced the visual styles of the early Islamic period. This fragment likely belonged to the decoration of a tunic, which was a key garment during the Late Antique era.The Copts used tunics, shawls, and hangings as burial shrouds. This explains why archaeologists conducting excavations in Egypt during the 19th and early 20th centuries discovered numerous textiles made of linen, wool, and silk in the Greco-Roman and Byzantine necropolises, some dating back to the 2nd century C.E. Due to the dry climate and burial techniques, Coptic fabrics have often retained their colors.
At the 1900 Exposition Universelle in Paris, the French archaeologist Albert Gayet showcased the results of his excavations from the ...

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... winter of 1898-1899. Around one hundred Coptic textiles and fragments were displayed at the Palais du Costume. Their aesthetic generated considerable enthusiasm, particularly among artists like Auguste Rodin and Henri Matisse. This led to a "Coptomania," which, among other things, influenced fashion designers.
Coptic textiles represent the largest collection of ancient historical textiles found in museums as the Brooklyn museum, the louvre, the Met and palazzo Madama in Turin.

Dei Bardi Art

Art sacré, objets religieux